Our investment philosophy

We understand that investing is as much art as it is science.

Swiss quality, reliability and discretion guaranteed

Based in Switzerland and Hawai’i, we guarantee highest service standards and safety. Our high quality investment advice is based on our own research. We have 20+ years of experience managing money for wealthy individuals in the oldest and largest Swiss banks.


We offer international wealth management for private investors and families.

First registered with the SEC in 2004, we are today fully compliant with Swiss and US regulations.

Swiss tradition of quality, competence, reliability, safety and confidentiality,

We are based in Switzerland, but have Hawaiian roots and partnerships

Accounts can be booked in Switzerland or the US. 

Swiss tradition of quality, competence, reliability, safety and confidentiality,

We are based in Switzerland, but have Hawaiian roots and partnerships

Accounts can be booked in Switzerland or the US. 


We offer international wealth management for private investors and families.

First registered with the SEC in 2004, we are today fully compliant with Swiss and US regulations.


We offer one simple fee-based model:

  • Fixed fee of 0.1% per quarter on assets under advisory and
  • Performance Fee of 10% 

To fully align our interests.

We always aim for the lowest amount of risk to achieve your target return. We see ourselves first and foremost as your personal risk managers.

We don’t invest according to a benchmark, but determine the risk/reward ratio for each asset class to fix its portfolio weight. Cash, Bonds, Equities, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Gold are invested flexibly and unconstraint dependent of our economic outlook. We are pragmatically aiming for the lowest risk to achieve your target return.

We recognize that business is increasingly global and so the investment universe should be global too. We are experts in international markets – Europe (incl. Switzerland), USA and Emerging Markets. These regions comprise the majority of future economic growth.

We as a team

Dr. Ewa Froidevaux

Ewa has a doctorat in economics from the University of Friboug in Switzerland and enrolled 2002-2003 during her doctoral program also at the University of Hawai’i as exchange student.
Her specialization is in risk management, goal based investing and strategic asset allocation.
His specialization is in portfolio management, tactical asset allocation and behavioral finance.

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